There are a number of options for determining attributes.
Hit Points are rolled for every level beyond the first. The DM rolles a second die and the player is able to choose without seeing the DM’s roll.
Leveling Up: In order to gain a new level, a character must spend a number of days training equal to the new level. (Example: Kalazar is level 4, he must spend 5 days training, 8 hours per day, to gain the benefits of 5th level)
Inspiration may be used on any character’s roll.
Initiative: if a natural 20 is rolled, the character has advantage on their first round or their first save.
Potions are quaffed as a bonus action.
Stealth checks are rolled as needed. A character declares that they are sneaking, and a Dexterity (Stealth) check is only rolled in opposition to a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Focusing on an item during a short rest does not reveal a magic item's properties. The //identify// spell or other means of identification are required.
When a character makes an attack with advantage and rolls a natural 20 on both die, they automatically deal maximum damage.
Attunement: A character can be attuned to a number of items equal to their proficiency bonus.
Movement Diagonals: When measuring range or moving diagonally on a grid, the first diagonal square counts as 5 feet, the second diagonal counts as 10 feet. This pattern continues whenever you're counting diagonally.
Flanking: A character gains a +2 bonus to their attack roles when they are directly opposite an enemy in melee combat.
Mask of the Skull
Goliath Ceremonial Tea Set
The Queen's Mantle
Hat of Many Heads
Sky Lord's Tricorn
Shield of Shadowform
Bogsmith - A bogsmith from the Dead Swamps of the Oneiro peninsula uses the ancestral-infused bog metal harvested from the swamp to empower the weapons, armor, and inventions.
The 6th level Accursed Specter ability is replaced with an ability specific to each of the ten Hexblade items.
Kha'Mel - Drinker of Souls
Ancestral Weapon - The dueling spirits of Oneiro lizardfolk.
These spells can only be learned from a person or being who knows how to cast them.