- An assassin in the Sapphire Cartel
- She was 7 when her parents were gone, when one day they didn't come home.
When she was little and in the city on her own, she got really sick after she robbed a shaman and had a hex put on her. She was covered in a necrosis that ate away at her flesh, and was unable to wilt for a year and a half. This made her a pariah.
- 13 of Lys, 1144 Nirzah makes it back to Tul.
- Ekaleh - A shaman woman that put a hex on Nazirah. Nazirah was not able to find her when she went looking for her revenge.
- Xelah - Her maternal aunt that wanted nothing to do with her, that she has not met and rejected taking her in after her parents were gone.
- Kellas - Old boss / mentor who sent her to kill Vegalax and end the Vega Trading Company that was beginning to export goods into the same areas as the Sapphire Cartel. He brought her in into to the Cartel a year after she was on the streets when Nazirah tried to pick his pockets. He manipulated Nazirah into becoming his killing machine.
- Rasha (Deceased) - Female Blue Dragonborn bestfriend, who grew up alongside Nazirah and both trained by Kellas.
- Shimah (Deceased) - Male Yuan-Ti Pureblood, the person that Kellas said killed Rasha. They were a high ranking Cartel member. Killed by Nazirah.
- Callix - Male Yuanti Pureblood who was born into ruling caste that Nazirah always hated. He is a pollitician that moves through the mechanations of Tul society and enjoys collecting art.
- Mr Markinsworth - Tailor who works for Nazirah in New Pythia
- Ruhkoo -